Spring 2025 Boys' Youth League

This league is ideal for players in grades 7-12 in Manhattan, Brooklyn & Queens who have the volleyball SKILLS and DESIRE to COMPETE in a LEAGUE that includes:

Weekly Practices/Weekend Matches

Refereed Matches

Standings / Playoffs / Uniforms



In order to participate, all NEW players must attend one Try-Out to be considered for the Boys' Youth League and should have prior playing experience on a school team or have taken our advanced youth volleyball classes during the year or at one of our Summer Camps.

If you are selected, the entrance fee for new players to the League will be $675. Cost for returning players is $620.

All New players must attend at least one tryout to be considered for the league.

$25 Registration fee is a **TRYOUT FEE ONLY**.

For players selected, the Boys' Youth League program will cost $620 For Returning Players and $675 for New Players and include:

Spring 2025 Season: April 26th - June 14th, 2025

8 Weekly practices

8 Refereed matches

Max roster size 12

All players are guaranteed to play a minimum of 2 sets per match

Professional Uniforms

Experienced Big City Coaching Staff with collegiate experience + referees

Match Days - Saturdays at the Post BK. Practices in Brooklyn (Park Slope) and (Manhattan) Upper East Side

League/Team Communication

Team Chat (App and/or Web)

This is the most direct form of contact that team players and parents have with their coach, other than when meeting in person at practice and games. It is a great tool for communication regarding team specific issues, announcements, reminders, feedback. It allows all interested members (players, parents, coach, borough supervisors and BCV management) to be up to date with everything going on with the team. The following is key to take full advantage of the Team Chat function and to set the right expectations:

Common Cases Reported

  • The player is getting the chats but the parent can't see them and is not getting important information
  • The parent is getting the chats, but the player is not being able to access the team chat
  • Additional parents/guardians do not have access to the team chat
  • User (s) have multiple accounts created (i.e. Email account, Apple Id account, Facebook Account) and the user they are logged into is not the user they registered with for the league

Troubleshoot Access to Team Chat

  • If you have multiple accounts or only player or parent is being able to access the team chat, simply make sure you both log in with the same registered user (the system allows you to log in from different devices).
  • If you need to add an additional guardian to the team chat but don't want to share the same user you and your child share for registration: Email info@bigcityvolleyball.com indicating who needs to access the team chat, including player name, team name, and relation of the person to the player, as well as confirming that you as a parent authorize the additional person to be added to the team chat. We will share a secret link with you to share with the person to join the league as "Authorized Additional Guardian/Contact"

Support and Response Times

We ask to allow the coach/admin time to respond. Coaches/admin staff can not monitor the chat 24/7, so please allow at least 24 hours to respond. Non-team related questions should be directed to the borough manager (follow the Handbook for contact information)

Additional Channels of Communication for anything non-team related

This activity is not sponsored or endorsed by the New York City Department of Education or the City of New York